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SOP for processing all Global Tender Enquiries(GTE) in view of CSIR Notification 13-4(135)/2021/S&P/Policy dated 14.01.2021.
- Subject: SOP for processing all Global Tender Enquiries(GTE) in view of CSIR Notification 13-4(135)/2021/S&P/Policy dated 14.01.2021.
- From: Nalin Kumar Singh <>
- Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 11:12:55 +0530 (IST)
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- Cc: "Dr. Arvind Sinha" <>, "SanchitaChakravarty SanchitaChakravarty" <>, "Dr. Sandip Ghosh Chowdhury" <>, "S.Tarafder" <>, "Dr. S.K.Pal" <>, "MitaTarafder" <>, "Dr. Sanjay Kumar" <>, "Dr. Ratnakar Singh" <>, "R.Singh R.Singh" <>, "Dr. V. C. Srivastava" <>, "Lokesh Pathak" <>, "S.Sivaprasad" <>, "KaushikBhattacharya" <>, "Anuja Mohan Pradhan" <>, "I.Chattoraj I.Chattoraj" <>, "Parvesh Kumar" <>
- Thread-index: kzAU3JACS2oHxDjK96M+Fj8jJYX55w==
- Thread-topic: SOP for processing all Global Tender Enquiries(GTE) in view of CSIR Notification 13-4(135)/2021/S&P/Policy dated 14.01.2021.
Dear I/Os,PLs/HODs,
After going through CSIR OM F No 13-4(135)/2021/S&P/Policy dt 14.01.2021 and Ministry of Finance OM No F.20/45/2020-PPD dt 08-01-2021 regarding Global Tender Enquiry under Rule 161(iv) of GFR ,2017 a need was felt to develop an SOP at CSIR - NML regarding GTE's to be floated henceforth.The enclosed SOP for GTE has been approved by competent authority for being adopted at CSIR-NML.
All Global Tender Enquiries,proprietory purchases from abroad,purchase of spares from abroad would fall within the ambit of this SOP and would be processed accordingly.Director ,NML has already nominated the Designated Certifying Authority for purchases below 25 lakhs and above 25lakhs.The Forms are enclosed and may accordingly be duly filled up and submitted alongwith necessary Annexures for processing GTE.
A. SOP on deciding GTE :
1. IO puts up the indent with GeM Non Availability certificate (GeMARPTS) to purchase section. Indent should highlight specialized nature of the item if it is going/intended for GTE.
2. Open Tender prior to GTE is preferable.
3. Indent would be placed to T&PC.
4. Nomination of Domain Expert by the Director.
5. Indent, final specification (alongwith checklist as per ‘B’ and certification as per “C” as prepared by I/O and PL/HOD,in case of GTE as intended by I/O)placed to T&PC.
6. If T&PC decides the mode of tendering as GTE then file forwarded to the Designated Authority alongwith Checklist and Certificate.
7. Designated Authority, upon evaluation of documents as per “B”provides approval for GTE as per “C”.
8. Tendering process will proceed as per the laid down procedure.
9 . Any consequent changes in technical specifications a fresh evaluation of Designated Authority is
एन.के. सिंह/N.K. Singh
भंडार एवं क्रय नियंत्रक/Controller of Stores & Purchase
सी. एस. आई. आर. - राष्ट्रीय धातुकर्म प्रयोगशाला/CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
बर्मामाइंस, जमशेदपुर / Burmamines, Jamshedpur-831007
भारत/ INDIA
टेली / Tel: +91-657-2345129
फैक्स / Fax: +91-657-2345131
Description: Adobe PDF document
Description: Adobe PDF document
Prior approval for GTEOM_Pur_14012021.pdf
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