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Corrigendum - Colloquium Notice

The next Colloquium will be presented by Dr. Shailendra Kumar Jha, Sr. Scientist, Surface Engineering Group, AMP Division, through Microsoft Teams. Invitation to all scientists for attending the Colloquium will be sent through emails and Microsoft Teams. General link will also be shared in the reminder Notice for joining the Colloquium by anyone.

The schedule of the Colloquium is as follows:

Title of Colloquium: 'A Virtuous Cycle in the Electrodeposited Materials and Complex Electrode-Electrolyte Interface'

Date: 18.02.2021 (Thursday)

Time: 11.00 am

In this Corrigendum the typing mistake has been corrected in the name of speaker as Dr. Shailendra Kumar Jha. I am Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the same.

Colloquium Organising committee 

Manoj Kumar, Ph.D.
Senior Principal Scientist
Metal Extraction and Recycling Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur - 831 007.
Phone No.: 0657-2345180(O), 0657-2343641(R)

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