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Fwd: Implementation of ERP

Dear Colleagues,
Please find the trailing mail from CSIR headquarters regarding 100% passing of bills through ERP only. All are requested to adhere to instructions of head quarters. In case of non- functioning of bill processing of any module, the bills may be processed through Multipurpose (FVC) bills.


A M Pradhan

From: "Upendra Kumar" <>
To: "M Sekar" <>, "Anuja Mohan Pradhan" <>, "FAO CSIRCSMCRI" <>, "Somu Roy" <>, "FAO Ampri" <>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 10:40:42 AM
Subject: Implementation of ERP


This has reference to telephonic conversation with you with regard to processing of bills through ERP.

It is again reiterated that it may be ensured that all the bill being received in F&A Division are received through ERP only.

Also all reports including Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure Account and Receipt and Payment Account may be generated through ERP.

Strict compliance to the same may kindly be ensured.


उपेंद्र कुमार/Upendra Kumar
उप-वित सलाहकार/Dy. Financial Advisor 
सीएसआईआर मुख्यालय/CSIR Hqrs.
नई दिल्ली/New Delhi-110001
दूरभाष/Tel No.: 011-23470424

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