As you will be aware DG-CSIR, Dr. Sekhar C Mande will be making a short visit to CSIR-NML on 19 Jan 2021.
The programme during Dr. Mande's visit is as follows:
09:30 hr: Arrival at CSIR-NML
09:30-09:45 hr: Tea with D-NML and HoDs (D-NML's chamber) [All HoDs, including Heads of Admin, Finance and S&P, to be present]
09:45-11:15 hr: Meeting with young Scientists on CSIR-NML's initiatives for self-reliant India (Lecture Hall) [All Scientist Cs, GLs of MER, MTE, AMP and H-MNP to attend]
11:30-12:30 hr: Address to staff of CSIR-NML (Auditorium) [All Staff (Scientists, TOs and CCOs) who are at Level 11 and above to be present in the Auditorium; arrangement being made to livestream the event which may be viewed on computers / mobiles.]
12:45 hr: Lunch at Canteen
14:00 hr: Departure from CSIR-NML
DG-CSIR will be requested to inaugurate the Roof-top Solar Power Plant that has recently been installed in CSIR-NML.
The DG may wish in the course of his walk-through visit any of the labs and working spaces. It is therefore requested that they be kept tidy and manned.
Due to restrictions of current Covid situation, seating in all enclosed spaces will be with sufficient distancing, with face masks and hand sanitizing. Attendance therefore will only be through invitation.
Livestreaming of the Auditorium event is being worked out. The link will be available 30 mins before the event, and will be notified through e-notice and WhatsApp.
All are requested to please cooperate.