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Re-constitution of Standing LPC for procurement of goods.

Dear All,

Please go through the attachment with regard to re-constitution of Standing LPC for procurement of goods.


Purchase Section/क्रय अनुभाग
सी. एस. आई. आर. - राष्ट्रीय धातुकर्म प्रयोगशाला/CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
बर्मामाइंस, जमशेदपुर / Burmamines, Jamshedpur-831007
भारत/ INDIA
टेली / Tel: +91-657-2345129
फैक्स / Fax: +91-657-2345131

Attachment: Re-constitution of LPC 02.11.2021.PDF
Description: Adobe PDF document

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