All the Indentors/users of Laboratory Gases are requested to return the empty cylinders to Stores by 30.11.2021. It may be noted that empty cylinders are required to be returned to Stores as soon as they become empty. After that Stores Section will prepare a list of empty cylinders for each type of gases and put-up to the Purchase Committee for taking a decision regarding procurement of gases.
सी. एस. आई. आर. - राष्ट्रीय धातुकर्म प्रयोगशाला/CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
बर्मामाइंस, जमशेदपुर / Burmamines, Jamshedpur-831007
भारत/ INDIA
टेली / Tel: +91-657-2345129
फैक्स / Fax: +91-657-2345131