----- Forwarded Message ----- From: IND INT Directorate <tmd-indus@csir.res.in> To: Dr A Ajayaghosh <director@niist.res.in>, Ajayaghosh A <ajayaghosh@niist.res.in>, Director CIMAP <director@cimap.res.in>, director@iitrindia.org, Kannan Srinivasan <skannan@csmcri.res.in>, director@csmcri.org, Director CSMCRI <director@csmcri.res.in>, Director CSIR IMTech <director@imtech.res.in>, Sanjeev Khosla <sanjuk@imtech.res.in>, Anjan Ray <director@iip.res.in>, Dr Anjan Ray <anjan.ray@iip.res.in>, Director Director <director@igib.res.in>, a agrawal <a.agrawal@igib.in>, Lele Ashish <ak.lele@ncl.res.in>, Director NCL <director@ncl.res.in>, Dr. Avanish Kumar Srivastava <aks@ampri.res.in>, Dr. Avanish kumar Srivastava <director@ampri.res.in>, DIRECTOR CLRI <director@clri.res.in>, directorclri@gmail.com, SREERAM K J <kjsreeram@clri.res.in>, Director CECRI <director@cecri.res.in>, N Kalaiselvi CECRI <kalaiselvin@cecri.res.in>, Director office <dnpl@nplindia.org>, DNPL Secretariat <director@nplindia.org>, Harish Hirani <director@cmeri.res.in>, Dr Indranil Chattoraj <director@nmlindia.org>, I.Chattoraj I.Chattoraj <ichatt@nmlindia.org>, Director CSIR NAL <director@nal.res.in>, suman nml <suman.nml@gmail.com>, Suman Mishra <sumank.mishra@cgcri.res.in>, Director CGCRI <director@cgcri.res.in>, HEAD CSIR-URDIP <kishore@urdip.res.in>, Director CSIR CFTRI <director@cftri.res.in>, Director Director <director@niscair.res.in>, CBRI Director <director@cbri.res.in>, Gopalakrishnan N <ng@cbri.res.in>, Ranjana Aggarwal <director@nistads.res.in>, pradeep cimfr <pradeep.cimfr@yahoo.com>, PRADEEPKUMAR SINGH <drpksingh@cimfr.nic.in>, PRADEEP KUMAR SINGH <director@cimfr.nic.in>, S. Anantha Ramakrishna <director@csio.res.in>, Dr. P. C. Panchariya <director@ceeri.ernet.in>, P.C. Panchariya <pcp@ceeri.res.in>, DIRECTOR NEERI <director@neeri.res.in>, Dr. Vinay Kumar Nandicoori <director@ccmb.res.in>, Vinay kumar Nandicoori <vinaykn@ccmb.res.in>, director@iiim.ac.in, D. Srinivasa Reddy <reddy.ds@iiim.res.in>, Director IIIM <director@iiim.res.in>, Director IICT <director@iict.res.in>, Chandrasekhar Srivari <srivaric@iict.res.in>, srivaric@csiriict.in, Dr. G. Narahari Sastry <gnsastry@neist.res.in>, Director NEIST <director@neist.res.in>, Director IICB <director@iicb.res.in>, Arun Bandyopadhyay <arunb@iicb.res.in>, Sanjay Kumar <director@ihbt.res.in>, Sanjay Kumar <sanjaykumar@ihbt.res.in>, Director SERC <director@serc.res.in>, Director, CRRI <director.crri@nic.in>, satisfce@gmail.com, Director, CSIR-NBRI <director@nbri.res.in>, Director-IMMT Bhubaneswar <dir@immt.res.in>, Prof Suddhasatwa Basu <sbasu@immt.res.in>, Sunil Kumar Singh <sunil@nio.org>, Director NIO <director@nio.org>, Prof. Tapas K. Kundu <director@cdri.res.in>, Head CSIR-4PI <head@csir4pi.in>, virendra m tiwari <virendra.m.tiwari@gmail.com>, Director, CSIR-NGRI (VMTiwari) <director@ngri.res.in>, RamaSwami Bansal <rsb@csir.res.in>, GeetaVani Rayasam <gvrayasam@csir.res.in>, K Venkatasubramanian <venkat@csir.res.in>, Viswajanani Sattigeri <viswajanani.sattigeri@csir.res.in>, RK Sinha <rksinha@csir.res.in>, HEAD HRDC <head@csirhrdc.res.in>, Vibha Malhotra Sawhney <vmalsaw@csir.res.in>, Head IPU <head.ipu@niscair.res.in>, VK Agrawal <vinod@csir.res.in>, Head IT <headit@csir.res.in>, Sarala Balachandran <sbalachandran@csir.res.in>, RAB RAB <rab@csir.res.in>, Official Email CSIRHRDG <headhrdg@csirhrdg.res.in>, Dr Anjan Ray <anjan.ray@csirhrdg.res.in>, RP Singh <rpsingh@csir.res.in>, Dayananda G N <dayanand@csir.res.in> Cc: Hemant Madhukar Kulkarni <hk@csirhrdg.res.in>, SK Tiwari <sktiwari@csir.res.in>, Devendra Singh <deven@csir.res.in>, Rajneesh Kumar <rkgupta@csir.res.in>, Lalita Goyal <goyal_l@csir.res.in>, Jaipal Singh <jaipal@csir.res.in>, Mahendra P Darokar <mp.darokar@cimap.res.in>, RadhaMadhab Mohanty <mohantyrm@csir.res.in>, PRASAD BHUKYA <prasadb@csir.res.in>, Meenakshi Singh <meenakshi@csir.res.in>, G Radhakrishnan <gradha@csir.res.in>, Dr Shekhar C Mande <shekhar@csir.res.in>, Anoj Kumar Chadar <anoj@csir.res.in> Sent: Mon, 04 Oct 2021 13:08:27 +0530 (IST) Subject: Special Lecture on "Artificial Intelligence in the Context of CSIR Technology Development" on 6 th Oct at 11.00 hrs: Abstract of the talk Dear all, This is with reference to the subject. Please find enclosed the abstract of the talk. On behalf of, प्रमुख / Head उद्योग इंटरफ़ेस / Industry Interface प्रौद्योगिकी प्रबंधन निदेशालय / Technology Management Directorate From: "IND INT Directorate" <tmd-indus@csir.res.in> Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 5:35:56 PM Subject: Special Lecture on "Artificial Intelligence in the Context of CSIR Technology Development" on 6 th Oct at 11.00 hrs on MS Teams Platform: MS Teams Meeting link Dear all, In continuation of trailing email, please find below the MS Teams meeting link for the Lecture: ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app [ https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDc0ZmViYjktMDRiZi00NDA2LTg5ODQtNDAwOTkyOTM3NWY5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b867f20e-8a9c-4603-b5ab-39c3840dfb64%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e24f2b06-c7ee-4697-9e81-9c942f9507ff%22%7d | Click here to join the meeting ] Join with a video conferencing device [ mailto:380630916@t.plcm.vc | 380630916@t.plcm.vc ] Video Conference ID: 139 804 228 1 [ https://dialin.plcm.vc/teams/?key=380630916&conf=1398042281 | Alternate VTC instructions ] [ https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting | Learn More ] | [ https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=e24f2b06-c7ee-4697-9e81-9c942f9507ff&tenantId=b867f20e-8a9c-4603-b5ab-39c3840dfb64&threadId=19_meeting_NDc0ZmViYjktMDRiZi00NDA2LTg5ODQtNDAwOTkyOTM3NWY5@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US | Meeting options ] On behalf of, प्रमुख / Head उद्योग इंटरफ़ेस / Industry Interface प्रौद्योगिकी प्रबंधन निदेशालय / Technology Management Directorate ======================================================== From: "IND INT Directorate" <tmd-indus@csir.res.in> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2021 1:33:51 PM Subject: Special Lecture on "Artificial Intelligence in the Context of CSIR Technology Development" on 6 th Oct at 11.00 hrs on MS Teams Platform Dear all, It is now well recognized that Artificial Intelligence(AI) is going to play a very important role in various areas of S&T. Therefore, there is a strong need for CSIR Scientists & Technologists to be sensitized to AI and its relevance to R&D. It is in this background that a Pan CSIR lecture is being organized titled "Artificial Intelligence in the Context of CSIR Technology Development" on 6 th Oct at 11.00 hrs. The invited speaker is Dr Atanendu S. Mandal, Former Chief Scientist, CEERI & Presently Research Scientist, IHFC, IIT, Delhi. Please make it convenient to attend. The Program details are attached. The MS Teams link will be sent shortly. Regards, Dayananda [ https://amritmahotsav.nic.in/ ]
Abstract-CSIR AI Talk-06 October 2021_Rev.docx
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