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100% Physical Verification of Stores (PIR/DIR) for the year 2020-21

Gentle Reminder

Ref: OM No.NML/S&P/Phy. Veri./2020-21 dated March 9, 2021.

Dear Chairpersons & Members of Teams,

It is once again requested that the reports of 100% Physical Verification of Stores (PIR/DIR) for the year 2020-21 may please be submitted at the earliest but within October 31, 2021.  This activity is urgently required to be completed keeping in view of the ongoing audit.

P.S.  The teams who have already submitted the reports may please ignore this email.


R. Raju
SO (S&P)
Purchase Section/क्रय अनुभाग
सी. एस. आई. आर. - राष्ट्रीय धातुकर्म प्रयोगशाला/CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
बर्मामाइंस, जमशेदपुर / Burmamines, Jamshedpur-831007
भारत/ INDIA
टेली / Tel: +91-657-2345129
फैक्स / Fax: +91-657-2345131

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