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Congratulations to Dr. Sudeshna Das Chakraborty, Research Associate of AMP division

Dear Colleagues,

It is our proud privilege to share achievement of our young colleague Dr. Sudeshna Das Chakraborty, Research Associate of AMP division.

On behalf of Director, CSIR-NML, we congratulate Dr. Sudeshna Das Chakraborty, for winning the Best Paper Award at the International Conference (Online) on Covid Challenges of Energy and Environment Management for Sustainable Growth of Process Industries ( CCEEMSGPI- 2021) sponsored by AICTE

The details of the award are as below:

Award Name: Best Paper Award

Award Details: For the full paper Entitled "A Magnetic Boost to Increase the Overall Electrochemical Water Splitting Performance " authored by Dr. Sudeshna Das Chakraborty and team NML-AMP.

Award Conferred by: Organizing committee of the International Conference (Online) on Covid Challenges of Energy and Environment Management for Sustainable Growth of Process Industries ( CCEEMSGPI- 2021) sponsored by AICTE

Event date: 10-11 September 2021

Recipient:  Dr. Sudeshna Das Chakraborty

Division: AMP

We are proud of the achievement of Dr. Sudeshna Das Chakraborty and team NML-AMP.



GREEN TIPS: To dispose plastic bags, make a big bag of plastics, seal it tightly and then dispose. Sorting is easy and dignified. This would curb plastic pollution.

Dr (Mrs.) Mita Tarafder
Head and Chief Scientist, KRIT Division
Knowledge Resource and Information Technology (KRIT)
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (
Contact No: 0657-2345089(O), 0657-2346036 (R), +919852193175 (M)

Chairperson, Indian Institute of Metals(IIM), Jamshedpur Chapter
Former General Secretary, Association of British Scholars (ABS), Jamshedpur Chapter
Founder Trustee, Relearn Foundation (

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