As India celebrates the 75th year of Indian Independence, an online Lecture Series on Science & Engineering Research leading to Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Scholarship (LS – SERIES), is being jointly organized by IEEE (Telangana + Andhra Pradesh sections) and CSIR-IICT, to commemorate the contribution of scientists/ researchers and technologists.
We made the information on LS-SERIES available on LS-SERIES (
The tenth lecture is delivered tomorrow i.e. October 22, 2021, 15.30 hrs by Dr. Srikanth, Former Director of CSIR-NML on a topic very relevant to all of us working in Hydrogen mission program: "Future of Hydrogen Economy - Realty or a Pipe Dream". I have attached the flyers of this talk for your kind reference.
As a key resource person in the CSIR Hydrogen Mission program, your participation in the online lecture will be of great value.
I take pleasure in inviting you to join the online lecture tomorrow at 15.30 hrs. Kindly join through the MS TEAMS link given below. Also feel free to share this link with your colleagues and students.
Microsoft Teams meeting:
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Join with a video conferencing device
Video Conference ID: 138 268 453 7
Further, you can share the facebook and youtube link given below with your students to join us for the lecture tomorrow:
संजय कुमार / Sanjay Kumar, Ph.D.’Tech’, FIIC
वरिष्ट प्रधान वैज्ञानिक एवं अध्यक्ष, धातु उत्कर्सन एवं पुनर्चक्रण विभाग
Senior Principal Scientist and Head, Metal Extraction & Recycling Division
सी एस आई आर- राष्ट्रीय धातुकर्म प्रयोगशाला, जमशेदपुर- ८३१००७, भारत
CSIR- National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur 831001. India
विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार/ Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
प्राध्यापक/ Professor, Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR)
दूरभाष/ Telephone: +91 657 2345252, 2345244, मोबाइल/Mobile: 9939326346
ईमेल/Email:, वैकल्पिक ईमेल/ Alternate Email:
Oct 22 LS Series-10 Dr S Srikanth .pdf
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