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Requirements for compilation of requirements of new ACs for the year 2022-23

This is to inform that, we are in the process of compiling the requirements of new Air-conditioners to be installed at CSIR-NML for the year 2022-23. If anyone is having requirements then a hard copy note is to be routed through proper channel to Head-Engg latest by 01.07.2022(Fri). The note should bear the following:-
  • Location where ACs are to be installed with approx. size of room: Length x Breadth x Height (in mtrs)
  • Source of fund with date of completion of project & signature of PL
  • Signature of Head of indenting dept.
(N.B. The requirements shall be only be considered after checking the feasibility by ACU & clearance from Electrical & Civil unit)

Birendra Kumar

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