------------------------------------- ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: I.Chattoraj I.Chattoraj <ichatt@nmlindia.org> To: Dr. Sandip Ghosh Chowdhury <sgc@nmlindia.org>, SanchitaChakravarty SanchitaChakravarty <sanchita@nmlindia.org> Sent: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 14:12:02 +0530 (IST) Subject: Fwd: [csir-directors] Event on 6-May-2022: Guest lecture by Dr. Ritu Bhardwaj on ‘Gender Sensitization and Equality in Work Environment’ Please encourage others to join. IC From: "SEC CSIR" <sec.ethics@csir.res.in> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 1:04:22 PM Subject: [csir-directors] Event on 6-May-2022: Guest lecture by Dr. Ritu Bhardwaj on ‘Gender Sensitization and Equality in Work Environment’ Dear All, Greetings from CSIR Hqrs SEC and ICC! Continuing with our efforts at creating greater awareness of good ethics at work, we extend a warm invitation to CSIR fraternity for a Guest Lecture on a very important topic of gender matters. The Lecture will be delivered by an eminent speaker, Dr. Ritu Bhardwaj, Advocate, Supreme Court of India. The topic of the lecture is ‘Gender Sensitization and Equality in Work Environment’. The event shall be held on May 6, 2022 through online mode of MS Teams at 16.30 hrs. Running a successful practice of over 19 years, Dr. Bhardwaj is also the Joint Treasurer, Supreme Court Bar Association and Joint Secretary, Legal Assistance Forum which provides free legal aid to needy children (Sply Juvenile) and women. She has been serving as a volunteer to the GSICC of the Supreme Court therein handing the sensitive matters of gender issues. Dr. Bhardwaj has represented number of Corporations, PSUs, State Governments, Universities, Public Bodies, Statutory Bodies, Medical And Engineering Colleges etc. We at CSIR believe that gender sensitivity is an important step towards addressing and reducing concerns related to gender bias or discrimination. This in turn creates a conducive environment at the workplace for one’s growth, both as a professional and as an individual. The hand-out with information on the program is attached herewith. The link to join the meeting is given below: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app [ https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDYzOTUwNjQtN2JkZi00MTBiLWE3NWEtODg0MzUzNzQ0Yzg3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b867f20e-8a9c-4603-b5ab-39c3840dfb64%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f0d580c7-caa1-4e33-b032-fa61bc46c49b%22%7d | Click here to join the meeting ] Learn More | Meeting options It is requested to please join as well as encourage participation in the aforesaid program and spread awareness on the issue. The email may kindly be circulated to all Divisions/Departments/Units, both technical and non-technical, across CSIR Hqrs and CSIR laboratories for maximum participation. Thanking you With kind regards, SEC and ICC, CSIR Hqrs [ https://amritmahotsav.nic.in/ ] _______________________________________________ csir-directors mailing list -- csir-directors@lsmgr.nic.in
Program Handout-6 May 2022.pdf
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