राष्ट्रीय धातुकर्म प्रयोगशाला (वैज्ञानिक तथा औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद्) जमशेदपुर - 831007 सं. रा.धा.प्र./आयकर/2022/01 दिनांक : 14.02.2022 |
Submission of Form 12BB for Income Tax (FY) 2021-22 declaration was called vide e-notice dated 09-11-2021. It is however, observed that the following staff members (as per enclosed list) have not submitted their necessary documents as per their declarations. Accordingly, the concerned staff members are advised to submit their pending documents on or before 18-02-2022. Note : If any employee has already submitted his/her document, he/she is also requested to re-submit the same. |
Sd/- (Section Officer) |
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