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International Training: Submission of ITEC course proposals for FY 2022-23

Dear Colleagues,
If you would like to organize any international training, please submit the proposal by email to me by 3rd March 2022.
You may send the training schedule in this format:
Other details required are
Training mode: Online or Offline
Name of Courses:
From:         To:
Participant Profile:

Thanks and regards

From: "I.Chattoraj I.Chattoraj" <>
To: "MitaTarafder" <>
Sent: Friday, February 4, 2022 4:59:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: Submission of ITEC course proposals for FY 2022-23

From: "RamaSwami Bansal" <>
To: "Head CSIR-4PI" <>, "Dr. Avanish kumar Srivastava" <>, "CBRI Director" <>, "Dr. Vinay Kumar Nandicoori" <>, "Dr. D. Srinivasa Reddy" <>, "Director CECRI" <>, "Dr. P. C. Panchariya" <>, "Director CSIR CFTRI" <>, "Director CGCRI" <>, "Director CIMAP" <>, "Director CSIR CIMFR, Dhanbad" <>, "DIRECTOR CLRI" <>,, "Harish Hirani" <>, "Director, CRRI" <>, "S. Anantha Ramakrishna" <>, "Director CSMCRI" <>, "Director Director" <>, "Sanjay Kumar" <>, "Director IICB" <>, "Director IICT" <>, "Director IIIM" <>, "Anjan Ray" <>,, "Director-IMMT Bhubaneswar" <>, "Director CSIR IMTech" <>, "Director CSIR NAL" <>, "Director, CSIR-NBRI" <>, "Director NCL" <>, "DIRECTOR NEERI" <>, "Director NEIST" <>, "Director, CSIR-NGRI (VMTiwari)" <>, "Dr A Ajayaghosh" <>, "Director Director" <>, "Ranjana Aggarwal" <>, "Dr Indranil Chattoraj" <>, "Director office" <>, "Director SERC" <>, "Dr. Viswajanani J. Sattigeri" <>, "Sunil Kumar Singh" <>, "DNPL Secretariat" <>, "HEAD CSIR-URDIP" <>, "Official Email CSIRHRDG" <>, "HEAD HRDC" <>
Cc: "RamaSwami Bansal" <>, "Anand Mohit" <>, "Kamlesh Rani" <>, "Director General CSIR" <>
Sent: Friday, February 4, 2022 3:14:59 PM
Subject: FW: Submission of ITEC course proposals for FY 2022-23

Dear Sir/Madam,


Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), GoI through its Development Partnership Administration (DPA-II) coordinates several development programmes for developing countries. Among other programmes, it coordinates the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme that provides technical training to ITEC partner countries.

Presently only three CSIR institutes provide training programmes under (ITEC) Scheme of the MEA. These are


a)     CSIR-CSIO - 6 courses (open to all ITEC countries) related to Operation, Maintenance, and Calibration / Repair and Policies of Biomedical Equipment; Operation, Maintenance and repair of Analytical equipment; Management Development Program on PLC and Industrial Automation and Management Development Program on Energy Management System and Instrumentation

b)     CSIR- IIP (since 2018) – 3 courses (2 open to all and 1 for Mongolia on special request) related to Petroleum Refining Operations, Technology & Petrochemicals and the Testing of Petroleum & Petroleum Products & Operation & Maintenance of CFR Engine

c)      CSIR-NIO (since 2018/2019) – 4 courses as announced by Hon’ble Prime Minister in Commonwealth Heads of Govt. Meeting in 2018 (targeted for the Commonwealth SIDS Researchers but open to all) related to Remote sensing applications on the coastal zone management; Port Environment and Engineering studies; Multibeam Survey training (shallow multi beam); Ballast Water Management


Through several interactive meetings, MEA was acquainted with the trainer potential of CSIR in various industrial sectors. MEA suggested conducting a course on Environment Impact Assessment by CSIR-NEERI (forwarded to the MEA in March 2020) as also in Mining, Leather, civil infrastructure sectors. Accordingly, CSIR-CLRI and CSIR-CMERI and CSIR-CBRI were requested to suggest appropriate course modules.


MEA in its in-line email has invited training proposals for conducting short term training courses under ITEC during FY 2022-23. CSIR Institutes may consider submitting proposals both for offline (regular ITEC) and online (E-ITEC courses) clearly mentioning the possibility of switching from offline to online mode for courses along with financials, if COVID situation persists.


Please refer the inline email of the MEA for details. ISTAD will be happy to provide any information/ assistance you may like in developing the progammes.


With kind regards,




डॉ रमा स्वामी बंसल / Dr (Mrs) RAMA SWAMI BANSAL

मुख्य वैज्ञानिक तथा प्रमुख / Chief Scientist and Head

अंतरराष्ट्रीय विज्ञान एवं  प्रौद्योगिकी कार्य निदेशालय (इस्टैड)

International S&T Affairs Directorate (ISTAD)

वैज्ञानिक तथा औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद           

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

अनुसंधान भवन, , रफ़ी मार्ग, नई दिल्ली -110 001

Anusandhan Bhavan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001

Tel:  +91-11-23736212; Fax: +91-11-23739041; Email:


Attachment: Additional ITEC GUIDELINES.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: ITEC terms and Conditions _brochure.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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