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Intruption of Entrance at UORC

Dated: 25.02.2022

I bring this NOTICE to the kind authorities and appropriate concerns, that these days in many places at CSIR-NML  the materials are lying, where it should not be kept for example corridors, roads, branch roads, main entrances of divisions, centers etc. Related work may be very urgent and essential, but it should not be done on the cost of hampering others work.

The motto of making attention to this is that See the attached photographs How someone interrupt / block the road which disturbed to handle trolley by keeping AC and material bags. Many Professors, industrialists and dignitaries are visiting CSIR-NML time to time. Sometimes WOOD, Sometimes Cylinders/ machines, now Coal disturbed the main entrance of UORC.

I request NML authorities to give clear instruction to Security to ensure the above measures.
Even then if the project leaders/ contractors/ concern not follow the instruction, it should be reported to Authorities.
Dr. Manis Kumar Jha
Senior Principal Scientist 
Metal Extraction & Recycling Division
National Metallurgical Laboratory
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Jamshedpur, PIN 831 007, INDIA
Ph. 91-657-2345302 (O), 91-9430185563 (M)

Attachment: WhatsApp Image 2022-02-25 at 9.03.35 AM (1).jpeg
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Attachment: WhatsApp Image 2022-02-25 at 9.03.37 AM.jpeg
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