Dear Dr. Sahu
Please find the attached announcement related to the 6th International ECCC Conference – Creep & Fracture in High Temperature Components, Design & Life Assessment (ECCC2023) scheduled as an offline event in Edinburgh, UK between 22nd - 25th May 2023. I request you to circulate this information among faculty/scientists/students/engineers of your organization who are actively engaged in research related to creep and fracture and encourage their participation.
Call for Abstracts is OPEN. Please visit the conference website for further details regarding submission of abstracts (, registration, programme, event information, etc.
Best regards
Member, International Advisory Board, ECCC2023
Dr. A. NAGESHA / डॉ. ए. नागेश
Scientific Officer
G & Associate Professor (HBNI) / वैज्ञानिक अधिकारी G तथा एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर (HBNI)
Head, Materials Development Division / प्रधान, पदार्थ विकास
Metallurgy and Materials Group / धातुकर्म एवं पदार्थ समूह
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research / इंदिरा गांधी परमाणु अनुसंधान केंद्र
Kalpakkam – 603 102 / कल्पाक्कम – 603 102
Ph. (O) +91 44 2748
0500 - Extn. 21080
Fax (O) +91 44 2748 0075
Ph. (R) +91 44 2748 8677 Alt. +91 44 2748 0500 - Extn. 85481
Mobile +91 (0) 94454 05836
ECCC2023 Flyer.pdf
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