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NML.IN Domain: Backing up data from GMAIL

Procedure to backup data from google using "TAKEOUT". If you want to backup all your data from google periodically or onetime before discontinuation of their service, you can follow the steps given below.

For users using domain login below using your email id ( e.g. ). Please download the data before 29th July 2022. Please contact me in case of any issue(before29th).

1. login to using the google email id.

    Then select "Data & Privacy"

    Next select "Download your data"

2.    You will get google "TakeOut" page (shown below)

         Select all check boxes (Scroll down the page)

          Then select "next step"

3. Select "Export Once"

    Then click "Create Export"

4. You will get the following page and you can logout now . (DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING on page shown)

    You will get an email from google with a download link for your data.

    Follow the link sent to your email to download the data. It may be in several files and you need to download all.

Do NOT click any link when above screen is visible.

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