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Panchayat Election-22-Jharkhand - Declaration

Ref : Panchayat Election-22-Jharkhand

Dear All - who are part of Panchayat Election-22 process,

I am directed to inform that owing to the ensuing Panchayat Election-2022 at Jharkhand during the month of May 2022, all the leave/official tour may be availed only with the prior approval of the Competent Authority by all the employees of CSIR-NML till election process is over. However, before going on leave/tour the official may give an undertaking as per attachment and submit to E-III section positively.

वेद प्रकाश / Ved Prakash
अनुभाग अधिकारी (सामान्य) / Section Officer (General)
स्थापना अनुभाग / Establishment Section
सी एस आई आर-राष्ट्रीय धातुकर्म प्रयोगशाला / CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
जमशेदपुर-7 / Jamshedpur-7, झारखण्ड, भारत

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Attachment: declaration_panchayatelection2022.pdf
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